Our original four boys came from Ardo Alpacas in Aberdeenshire. We are not alpaca breeders and have our boys purely as pets. Our experience is that you don't need to be a breeder and that a 'batchelor herd' can give much pleasure to the owner. We have 5 acres including our big garden and grazing for the boys, 15 miles north of Inverness, Scotland. I spin, knit, felt and crochet with the fleece from the boys.


Just a reminder that clicking on (most) of the photos will show them greatly enlarged.

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Keep eating, boys!


  1. Oh to have some more snow instead of days of relentless rain over the Border. Hope the storm passed you by without event last night.

  2. I've had a look in my French mushroom book and think your mushroom is Armellarialla melea. Grows Autumn and Winter so timing is right! If it is this one then it can be eaten but should be cooked for at least 15 minutes. It says it is very tasty! The down side is that it is feeding from the roots of the tree next to it and could kill it!

    1. You are right Judi - take a bow! The photo in our book of the Armillaria Mellea (Honey Fungus) looks nothing like it but Googling it has confirmed it to be the one. It is edible but is also a serious and destructive parasite of trees.........ooops! Thanks. Shirley & Robbie
