Our original four boys came from Ardo Alpacas in Aberdeenshire. We are not alpaca breeders and have our boys purely as pets. Our experience is that you don't need to be a breeder and that a 'batchelor herd' can give much pleasure to the owner. We have 5 acres including our big garden and grazing for the boys, 15 miles north of Inverness, Scotland. I spin, knit, felt and crochet with the fleece from the boys.


Just a reminder that clicking on (most) of the photos will show them greatly enlarged.

Sunday 7 January 2018

Another week, another year.

A happy New Year to all blog readers!  We've entered this year in the same condition as we left last year with plenty of frost and ice around.  The boys continue to enjoy their bowls of sugar beet.
Faro looks suitably scruffy having got soaking wet in pouring rain then thoroughly enjoying a rolling session in the dust of his shelter.
Every last drop counts for Fyta who makes a habit of going around the empty bowls to check if any morsels remain!
There is a look of disappointment from Fidget as he is presented with an empty bowl.  "What good is that?" you can almost hear him ask!
And so he ambles off, looking a bit like the man on the KFC adverts with the goatee beard.  Fidget always likes to make a mess when he eats his sugar beet.
These are the crowns of the two Gunnera plants, covered over by their dead leaves at the end of Autumn.  The boys are in the adjoining paddock.
And finally........................the veg garden looks a forlorn and chilly place at this time of year with only some leeks in place.  The composting bins are all full and in a few months the contents will be used once again on the garden.

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