Our original four boys came from Ardo Alpacas in Aberdeenshire. We are not alpaca breeders and have our boys purely as pets. Our experience is that you don't need to be a breeder and that a 'batchelor herd' can give much pleasure to the owner. We have 5 acres including our big garden and grazing for the boys, 15 miles north of Inverness, Scotland. I spin, knit, felt and crochet with the fleece from the boys.


Just a reminder that clicking on (most) of the photos will show them greatly enlarged.

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Boys in clover.

It's not every day that Fidget looks this alert! He is always dragging along behind the other three boys and has got himself separated from them.  They are only a few yards away from him.
Here they are in the next paddock.  We've topped some more grass this week, between the rain showers.  We try and keep a small square of longer grass available in each paddock as they like to lie in it when (if!) it gets hot.
Faro, looking sleek after the recent shearing. His 'cooling patches' on the rear ankles are quite pronounced against his darker colour.  He has had a watery right eye for a few days so we are keeping a check on that.
This is Fergus on the sloping rough paddock.  The only thing which keeps him from looking for food is a neighbour's dog - which is what he is looking at here.
Fyta looking thoughtful! We've had a really mixed bag of weather this week including gales one day so not at all like summer.
A nice photo of Fergus (left) and Fyta amongst the clover (and buttercups!) in the rough paddock. These two boys are certainly of the 'laid back' variety!
And finally............Jerusalem Sage (Phlomis) with blue Cat Mint below and Crocosmia 'Lucifer' coming into flower above.


  1. Your weather sounds just perfect! We're far too hot over here with 30+ in the shade and the forecast for tomorrow is even higher so with everything beginning to look thirsty...we'd like some of your weather over here please and we'll send you a few degrees in exchange!

    Lovely photos of those handsome boys. Faro looks especially smart in his summer gear...really shimmering!

    1. Not sure that we can stand the heat that you guys have in France,Judi. Yesterday we had a scorcher, during last night and today we've had thunder, lightening and downpours. We're never happy with our weather are we? Good luck in trying to keep cool. Shirley & Robbie
